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I am a young, attractive girl from a good family. I like to see happy people around me. I like to dream and I am happy when I can embody my dreams in to the real life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Still Thinking If You Should Build A Web Store? Here Are Ten Reasons To Build A Web Store

Well with the talk of our economy moving into a recession it feels good to come across the idea off selling online. There are many different ways to sell online. It's pretty cool to play with the idea of your owning a online store. Actually this is pretty easy to do and with the flexibility of selling capacity it's available for everyone. Well if you are reading this then you probable do not have your own web store. Be aware of this though people are steadily becoming aware of the web markets potential. Here are ten reasons to build a web store:

1. Lower overhead cost for operating an online store compared to a classic walk in store. Online store hosting fees are much cheaper each month then what a traditional store has to pay each month. Plus saving on manpower an online store is fully automated taking credit card orders all by its self-24/7 as long as the site runs bug free.

2. Opportunity to sell national, globally or just one town over. Its really amazing that a online store that is ran by some one in some little town could be a global store. Of course if store did get this big I would out source all of the work so I could create another business.

3. Good long term investment. Wait here me out. The Internet is here to stay. Two reasons: internet is being incorporated more into our daily life's, people are buying more and more online out of convenience.

4. Be your own boss and work when you want to. Well maybe this is not a good enough reason for you; it was enough for me.

5. You don't even have to touch any merchandise. There are many third party catalogs of products available for wholesale price with a resellers permit. Its easy to use a third party catalog to stock your online store virtually. When someone places an order with your store the third party company can even drop ship it for you.

6. There is plenty room for growth. Also it's big enough for me and you and everyone else; besides critical marketing information that is learned and earned through hard work we can help out each other. The Internet will continue to grow as long as business is transferred to it. As long as integration continues to take place e-commerce will continue to grow.

7. When an online business is up and running it can sustain its self with minor maintenance. Once a shop is running and producing sales it is only a matter of fine tuning your matrix such as ROI, profit, click through, conversion etc. This is the ultimate goal- automation and this is impossible with out knowing the metrics.

8. Opportunity to dominate a unique niche. A narrow niche could be dominated. This is why it's important to thoroughly research the market before jumping into it.

9. Chance to work from home. Also this would make an excellent family business. More reasons that alone is good enough for me.

10. Seems to be heading this way might as well get on board. With the overall market sales falling and the dollar losing its value could signal regular commerce to loose momentum plateau or drop. What does it all mean? Good, bad who it's too early to tell. Anyways there still is some great market place space available online.

Just some of the reasons why I think building a web store are a good idea. These are not the end all facts starting an online business requires time and focus. Get informed about creating a web store before spending any cash. With the instability in our economy this is a smart way to diversify business. Try to stay ahead of the game.

Dustin B. works with clients who aspire to create their business online. Working with a variety of marketing methods to create a sustainable low maintenance business for life.

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