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Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Start And Operate Your Online Business For Free Part 3 of 3

Over 90% of all new online businesses will fail in the first year. One of the ways to improve your odds of success is by using free services to start your online business. By keeping your expenses low, you increase your odds of success dramatically.

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this article, I discussed how to find free hosting, free products, and a free marketing method. In this section, I will show you additional free marketing techniques that can maximize your chances of online success.

Posting in forums is another free technique to generate traffic as well as income. To be successful using this method you most post often. Do a search for free forums and you will find hundreds of them. Look for forums that are related to your website and the products that you recommend. Ideally, try to register with five to ten forums that are related to your niche.

After registering, develop a signature file that contains two or three links to your website or products that you are recommending. A good signature file will look like a small classified ad. Include one or two benefits of using your site or product.

Once you have a signature file, look for threads that are related to your product line and add your own comments. Always include your signature file with every comment that you post. To be successful using this method, enter five postings daily (along with your signature file) on each site where you registered.

Another marketing method you should consider is free classified ads. There are thousands of them available on the Internet. Develop several different ads for each of your products so that you can determine which ones perform the best. Then, each month, delete your worst performing ad and replace it with your best performer. Continually test new ads so that you can improve your results.

Many ad writers discuss the features that their product has. This approach almost always fails. When creating your ads, stress the benefits of using your website or product. Tell people how they will benefit, how they will feel, how it can improve their life. This is the key to a good performing ad.

By using free techniques to start your online business, you can dramatically improve the odds that your business will survive and be successful. As you begin to make money online, you can upgrade to some paid services, buy a domain name, get an autoresponder, change over to paid hosting, etc. But the point is, don't enter into contracts with these paid services until you are making enough income to pay for them. Using these techniques, you not only improve your chances for success, you could be the next online millionaire. But please, if that is your goal, get in line after me.

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