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I am a young, attractive girl from a good family. I like to see happy people around me. I like to dream and I am happy when I can embody my dreams in to the real life.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Electronics Store - Electrically Yours

Shopping online is becoming an unbreakable rhythm for all. Online Shops are providing unlimited selections and almost anything you want. Online Shopping is becoming very popular because of the ease and convenience it is providing to us. You can buy a variety of products from online shop and that too at the very best prices. Nowadays, we are seeing various online shops providing various services, there are online bookstores, flower shops, multi-specialty stores, discount stores and even the Electronics store. Now that means, if you are planning to buy a huge electronic item, you can easily by it without being stuck in Traffic Jams. These online shopping portals also provide the features of comparing prices and brands.

E-commerce is allowing people to search for the products they need on the Internet. This has changed the mode through which the people are buying electronics. These days, buying new MP3 player, digital camera, DVD Player and other household electronics is not time consuming at all. You can buy any electronic product of your choice, just by clicking your mouse button. Online electronic stores offer great products range of all brands. These stores are reliable as they sell the products with lots of care and observance. They deliver these products the way you want. Therefore, if you want to present a Digital Camera to your boss or if you want to bestow a Microwave oven upon your wife, just order one from an electronic store and set yourself free. These Electronics Stores will deliver your gift on time and that too in a very beautiful manner. Some online electronics stores offer free or express delivery too.

These online electronics stores may offer various products like- Air Conditioners, Camcorders, PCs, Laptops, PDA, Bread Makers, Coffee Makers, Vacuum Cleaners, Home Theatres, Car Audio Systems, and many more from various categories, according to their specialty. These electronic stores are very much helpful, convenient and reliable; one can buy any electronics from these stores, with full confidence.

Fletcher Mak is the author of this article. You can get more information about home appliances and kitchen appliances. Enjoy online price comparison shopping.

Article Source: Free Ezine Articles for your Blogs. Get your Free Articles today!

Friday, February 1, 2008

An Easy Website Split - Testing Schedule You Can Use

I am a testing fanatic! I firmly believe that there is no way to know if your marketing is performing at its absolute best unless you test. You should be testing your display ads, your sales letters, your email messages and yes, even your website.

I don't seem to have any trouble convincing my clients to test their copywriting and their ads. But, when it comes to website testing, many of my clients shy away. It's easy to look at your site and get totally overwhelmed and unsure of where to start your testing. So I thought I'd share the schedule I plan to use with one of my clients during the upcoming year. What follows is an outline of the website elements I will be testing in 2008. You can use this list to kick off your own split testing campaign.

Remove The Reset Button

The first test I will be performing - because it is one of the easiest - is to remove the reset button from my clients' forms. If you are using a WYSIWYG html editor to create your forms, the reset button is probably generated automatically. And, it's usually placed extremely close to the submit button. Unfortunately, all this does is present your visitor with a distraction and the opportunity to accidentally hit the rest button instead of the submit button. For most forms, there is really no need to have a reset button anyway. In past tests, I've seen this simple change increase conversion rates by as much as 22%. Since it is so easy to create a new page version without the reset button, this is a great place to get started with you're A/B testing.

Make The Submit Button Bigger

After testing the rest button, I'll be moving on to the submit button. Most online marketers agree that when it comes to submit button, bigger is better. So I'll be tested various sizes of graphical buttons until I land on the perfect size. You'll want to keep a close eye on this test as I have a suspicion that a phenomenon similar to "banner blindness" will probably come into play. That is, at some point, the submit button will become so large that it will be overlooked as just another page graphic.

Test The Font Size

Testing your font size is extremely important if your market is older adults or younger children. In the past I have found that a 12-point sans font for body copy converts the best on line. I'd suggest testing that against a 14-point font for kids or seniors. And after you test your body copy, be sure to test your headline. Here is an interesting piece of test date that might give you some useful ideas:

Reduce the number of columns

The number of columns on your webpage is another easy element to test. Past test data indicates that a one-column page layout performs the best, often yielding over 40% increased conversions. Since my client is currently using a multi-column newspaper page format, I plan to create a test page with only one column of body copy. If your audience is heavily from Asia, I recommend you weight your one column page a 25 or 30% during the testing phase. I've recently come across data that suggests visitors from Asian countries might prefer a more cluttered page layout.

Add dynamic content to your landing page

I'll admit, for the novice this is not an easy element to perform, but since it can have such a huge impact, I am presenting it as an option. One online merchant experienced a 71% increase in revenue simply by adding dynamic data to his landing page. If you're not comfortable with script programming, you might need to get your "tech guy" involved in this one, or search the internet for a ready-made script.

Before you start split testing, be sure you have adequate points of reference to measure against. Study your log files over the next few weeks to determine your current traffic levels, click through rates and conversion rates. This will become your benchmark to gauge all future tests against.

And if you need a great program to handle your split testing for you, here is an easy-to-use, php/mysql-based program that I recommend:

Download The FREE Split Testing Schedule

You can download a free copy of my proven 2008 Website Split Testing Schedule at the Successful Site Secrets webiste.

Karen Scharf helps small business owners attract and retain more clients. Karen coaches and trains website owners on various tricks and techniques that have been proven to increase website conversion. She offers coaching programs and a Marketing Makeover to turn your ineffective advertising into a profit-pulling system. Grab your FREE checklists, whitepapers and reports at You can also get a FREE subscription to Successful Site Secrets at