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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ecommerce - A Profitable Option

The introduction of internet has given a new means to users to obtain useful information and for purchasing products and services. This avatar of internet has encouraged the formation of a virtual market which is developing like anything. However, the growth of e-commerce has been inhibited by consumer fears and concerns about the risks involved while carrying out the transactions of doing business electronically.

E-commerce and WWW

The WWW has gained the attention of businesses and consumers, encouraging the number and types of electronic transactions to extent like anything. However, it is for sure that the market of e-commerce will not attain its real growth unless and until consumers perceive that the doing businesses online can be less risky. Moreover, consumers have to be really aware about transaction integrity, control, authorization, confidentiality and anonymity.

In this world of growing online commerce, consumers need the assurance of an objective third party. For providing the assurance to the ultimate customers, online stores are taking adequate precautions which ensure the desired results.

Risks in E-Commerce

Business Practices
E-Commerce activities often take place between strangers. So, questions like fair business practices, true business identification, product guarantee and secrecy are always attached with it. Therefore, customers have to be convinced about business practices that need to be followed by companies.

Information Protection
Providing proper internet identification is absolutely necessary for creating confidence for customers for establishing a good business relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to create a website carrying magnitude of information protection and security issues. While transmitting of secret information, extreme steps should be considered and keep in mind to avoid further consequences. Therefore, proper protection is required while shopping from online shopping cart.

Transaction Integrity
Maintaining transaction integrity is really important in electronic commerce activities. Without proper controls, electronic transactions and documents can be easily changed, lost, duplicated and incorrectly processed. These activities further question the integrity of the electronic data transmission.

This article has been contributed by the webmaster of Synapse India - A renowned offshore outsourcing company offering a wide range of services including custom web application development, software development, Website Designing, Search Engine Marketing and Ecommerce Solutions.


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