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Location: Jacksonville, Florida, United States

I am a young, attractive girl from a good family. I like to see happy people around me. I like to dream and I am happy when I can embody my dreams in to the real life.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Quick, What Do Internet Ecommerce And The Waltons Have In Common?

Ecommerce done right. That's certainly the goal, huh.

And as we go about our journey online looking to find the steady almighty dollar, we find ourselves getting more and more caught up in our shorts...which in this case is technology.

We head first into online battle trying to stay ahead of the ones and zeros and the redirects and the cloaking and everything else. We lie awake at night wondering when Web 1900.0 is coming out.


Not really.

But what is needed in this morass of blinding speed and immense electronic landscape is a willingness to remember what it is that REALLY WORKS.

In the old days, like back on the tv show The Waltons, the owners of the General Market actually cared about their customers...not just because their financial lives were dependent upon them...but because they really cared.

"How's your daughter, is she feeling better?"

"If you need anything from the back, or from the other store, let me know and I'll send one of the fells over to get it."

"I know you're pinched a bit this month. Take it and we'll make it all square when you're doing better."


Are you blinded by that integrity every time YOU type in

However, there is a resurgence afoot. A business group awareness that maybe, just maybe, it is in giving value to the customers that makes them customers. That is is in being willing and open to the fact that you must bend over backwards to solve your customers issues that keeps them coming back.

What's returning is the knowledge that if Value worked on The Waltons, then by all that is holy, it should still work now!

Get that snippet of learning and you can do wildly profitable things on your website.

After spending 19 years on Madison Avenue, Kevin Browne is now showing web owners exactly how to take ecommerce to entirely new levels. To learn how for your site, visit


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